Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We've moved...

Further posts in the same vein can now be found at


All this has been an experiment with different blog support formats. I'm now using Wordpress at my own domain.

If you care, you might want to update your subscription.

See ya over there,


Monday, July 27, 2009

Opening address...

Hmmm. Very 21st century. This will be the third blog I am involved in. The first related to a little side business of mine. The second may be discussed at some other time. And now this. In this modern world it seems that with our compulsion to sound off, to say something, to give voice to our thoughts, we are also compelled to do so publicly. In an older time, a past generation, we would have done it in our journals (were we one of the lucky few to be literate). Those journals might never have seen the light of day, less they were discovered and found of interest to some scholar somewhere.

Now, in the internet age, we all have a public voice. Here on Blogger, anyone can make a public space for their voice, and many do. So I am no different than anyone else of my age I suppose. Here is my voice.

The point of this blog is not to have one particular point. I hope that there will be many. It is, I suppose, a public journal of sorts. I am terrible at journal writing, so maybe this will help? Or maybe it will evolve into something else (love that word-"evolve"). In any event, I was feeling the call of the blogosphere, and here it is.

The title is from one of my favorite quotes from that most quotable of pre-bloggers, Henry David Thoreau. He was a crank, contrarian and general misfit, and I think I should have very much liked to meet him. His book Walden was terribly influential in my youth (thank Mr. Will Fischer, for making me read is at the tender age of fourteen). The full quote is, "The universe is wider than our views of it." So very true. If there is a point to this blog, it is to have a wider view, to not be bound by theme or idea or focus, but to present a view of the universe, my universe, knowing that it is only my limited view. Unwashed, but hopefully somewhat considered.

Please comment if you like. As I said, my view is limited.